Thursday 2 August 2007

On The Up

Well, it's been a week or so now and I'm pleased to say my nan has stabalised. What has happened is that a decision (by her) has been made that she should go into a home. You might think that this is not a good thing, but on reflection it's a wonderful thing.
She had a day visit yesterday to see if she would like it, and when my mum went to pick her up, she was sitting chatting to another resident who absolutly loves it there. She can move in on monday. Bless her, she is a wonderful person, my nan and I am so glad she is happy again!!

Monday 16 July 2007

What a crap week

Last week has to top the polls as one of the worst weeks ever. I have to say that I actually do love my job, so this is why I am mightly pissed off that they are shuting my store!!
I am a travel agent and our office is based in a Sainburys ( supermarket ) . The bastards (Sainsburys) have decided to do a refit of the store and apparently they see no future in having concessions there.
Where does that leave us?? I'm glad you asked! Up the the stream without a paddle!!!
Actually my company are going to relocate us to other stores, but this means me and all my collegues are split up. We are a bloody good team. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anyway just as I was coming to terms with this situation, I find out my 90 year old nan has taken a turn for the worse. She is not at death doors but things are not looking rosy.

I really cant deal with crying this week. Lets just wait and see what happens.

Wednesday 27 June 2007

Where to start?

I am happily working out how to set this blog thing up, and yes it is all making sense. But... I really haven't got that much to say.

Shall I copy my housewife friend, and download pictures of cakes I didn't cook. No I'm not sure I can do that yet!!!